Walking with the Psalms | Psalm 131 / 25 | Saturday 16th March

Psalm 131/ 25

Reflection Written by Bob Munn

The psalms always seem very busy to me, with lots going on 


The writers of the psalms praise God 

they celebrate the world God created 

they admire his laws 

they lament from the depths of despair 

they beg to be rescued from peril 

they give thanks for being rescued from peril 

they plead for their enemies to be defeated 

they celebrate the defeat of their enemies 


Amid all this, I value the more peaceful psalms and passages in psalms 


For this reflection, I have chosen one very short psalm  


Psalm 131 is headed A Prayer of Humble Trust  

It consists of just three verses  

Lord, I have given up my pride 

and turned away from my arrogance. 

I am not concerned with great matters 

or with subjects too difficult for me. 

Instead, I am content and at peace. 

As a child lies quietly in its mother’s arms, 

so my heart is quiet within me. 

Israel, trust in the Lord  

now and for ever! 


This points us away from activity, from doing to just being 

And it gives a picture of calm acceptance that all is well 


As a child trusts its mother, 

so the children of Israel are advised to trust the Lord 

And that is sound advice for Christians, too 


But now I am going to cheat and also read one verse from a longer psalm 


Psalm 25 is headed A Prayer for Guidance and Protection 

 Overall it is full of the busy-ness I have already referred to 

concerning the psalmist’s enemies and God’s providence 


But in the middle, verse 11 simply says 

 Keep your promise, Lord, and forgive my sins, 

for they are many. 

 At our evening services, we have been following the Sermon on the Mount 

There Jesus tells people not to use loads of words when they pray 

and this verse follows that advice 

It says everything necessary very simply  


Putting these together, as Psalm 131 says 

we can rest at ease because we trust in the Lord 


And we can trust in the Lord because, as this verse of Psalm 25 says 

the Lord promises to forgive our sins