Advent Reflections | Day 19 | Thursday 21st December

Little Donkey:

“Been a long time, little donkey, through the Winter’s night. Don’t give up now, little donkey, Bethlehem’s in sight”

Written by Ann Howe

This Carol was written in 1959 and made famous by many artistes. It was the beginning of the heyday of “Pop “ music with “Mary’s Boy Child” joining the fashion to update traditional Carols.

The story of Mary travelling to Bethlehem heavily pregnant is a well known theme at Christmastime. Bethlehem is 90 miles away from Nazareth and would take four days travelling at 2.4 mph. It was winter, cold and dark. Tiredness and discomfort ever present.

One can visualise the swaying to and fro of the overladen animal, the dust, the pot holes and the danger of falling in the darkness and of thieves and criminals hiding in the shadows. The moon and the stars being the only intermittent source of light.

Mary must have been comforted by the message from God brought to her by the Archangel Gabriel, that he had chosen her to be the Mother of His Son.

She was not travelling alone. Joseph her fiancé, was with her guiding them to Bethlehem and a much needed resting place.

The responsibility must have been overwhelming, so young, but her faith in God unshakeable

Don’t give up now Little Donkey .

Bethlehem’s in sight.

Journey’s end is near and the revelation of the Birth of God’s gift to a troubled World carried by the most humble and honoured member of the animal world.. A Donkey.